Friends & Liverpool

Last time I wrote I left off with me heading off to Liverpool in just a weeks time…

I spent 2 days in the European Capital of Culture absorbing all that I could. I spent this time with my friend Sebastien and his family. It was great finally getting to me up with someone that I had known prior to coming to Europe. We spent our first day at a few museums, taking in good food, learning about the cities sporting culture, and walking along the docks. One thing that I noticed almost immediately when I arrived in Liverpool was the dialect or accent that the people had. It had only been a two hour train ride from Leeds to Liverpool and change in dialect had taken place. I enjoyed hearing this accent more than the Leeds (Yorkshire) accent. It was easier to understand and spoken a bit slower. The second day we decided that we would would take the Beatles Tour and travel to a few famous areas that the Beatles were known to play while in Liverpool before fame. One of the coolest locations that I saw in Liverpool was The Cavern Club, the Beatles had played at this location 292 times. It was full of history, culture, and great live music. 


Since returning from Liverpool I have to doing a lot of studying and group work. Our Easter break is coming up in just 2 weeks and a good portion of the assignments are due just as  I return. Hopefully I can get much of this work done before the break because I am planning on doing a good amount of traveling. (the break lasts 4 weeks, woohooo) During my Easter break I will be heading to London, Paris, Northern England, Belgium, The Netherlands, Barcelona, and hopefully Granada. I am stressed to say the least, but can’t wait!


This weekend I am heading to Northern Wales for a trip with my IFSA Butler program. We plan to participate in outdoor activities, hiking, and sightseeing. I am very excited!

I will update my blog once I have returned from Wales!

All questions/ comments are welcome!Image




1 thought on “Friends & Liverpool

  1. I’m so glad you were able to meet up with your friend. I bet visitors to the USA feel seriously confused when they visit St. Louis and there’s a midwestern accent, and just an hour or so south, people talk like Texans almost! I like the photos and am glad you’re posting them. Keep it up! I’m anxious to hear about that IFSA trip you took and can’t wait to see what you did! Glad you’re getting around and visiting things Dylan. Though I’m much more of an Elvis fan than the Beatles, I bet that is really amazing to be surrounded with that kind of history!

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